The LM2676 series of regulators are monolithic integrated circuits that provide all of the active functions for a step-down (buck) switching regulator capable of driving up to 3-A loads with excellent line and load regulation characteristics. High efficiency (> 90%) is obtained through the use of a low ON resistance DMOS power switch. The series consists of fixed output voltages of 3.3 V, 5 V, and 12 V and an adjustable output version. The SIMPLE SWITCHER® power converter concept provides for a complete design using a minimum number of external components. A high fixed frequency oscillator (260 kHz) allows the use of physically smaller-sized components. A family of standard inductors for use with the LM2676 is available from several manufacturers to greatly simplify the design process. The LM2676 series also has built-in thermal shutdown, current limiting, and an ON and OFF control input that can power down the regulator to a low 50‑µA quiescent current standby condition. The output voltage is ensured to a ±2% tolerance. The clock frequency is controlled to within a ±11% tolerance.
- New product available:
– LMR51430 4.5 to 36-V, 3-A, 500-kHz and 1.1- MHz synchronous converter. - For faster time to market:
– TLVM13630 3 to 36-V, 3-A, 200-kHz to 2.2-MHz power module. - Efficiency up to 94%.
- Simple and easy to design with (using off-the-shelf external components).
- 150-mΩ DMOS output switch.
- 3.3-V, 5-V, 12-V fixed output and adjustable (1.2 V to 37 V) versions.
- 50-µA standby current when switched OFF.
- ±2% maximum output tolerance over full line and load conditions.
- Wide input voltage range: 8 V to 40 V.
- 260-kHz fixed frequency internal oscillator.
- –40 to 125°C operating junction temperature range.
- Communication module.
- Electricity meter.
- Calling button operating panel.
- Motor drives.
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