The UCC3809 family of BCDMOS economy low-power integrated circuits contains all the control and drive circuitry required for off-line and isolated DC-to-DC fixed frequency current mode switching power supplies with minimal external parts count. Internally implemented circuits include an under-voltage lockout featuring a startup current of less than 100μA, a user-accessible voltage reference, logic to ensure latched operation, a PWM comparator, and a totem pole output stage to sink or source peak current. The output stage, suitable for driving N-Channel MOSFETs, is low in the off-state.
The oscillator frequency and maximum duty cycle are programmed with two resistors and a capacitor. The UCC3809 family also features a full-cycle soft start.
The family has UVLO thresholds and hysteresis levels for off-line and DC-to-DC systems as shown in the table to the left.
The UCC3809 and the UCC2809 are offered in the 8-pin SOIC (D), PDIP (N), TSSOP (PW), and MSOP (P) packages. The small TSSOP and MSOP packages make the device ideal for applications where board space and height are at a premium.
User Programmable Soft Start With Active Low Shutdown.
User Programmable Maximum Duty Cycle.
- Accessible 5V Reference.
Undervoltage Lockout.
The operation to 1MHz.
0.4A Source/0.8A Sink FET Driver.
Low 100μ A Startup Current.
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